Clarence Wijewardena
Lyricist: Clarance Wijewardena Musician: Clarance Wijewardena
Em / m4-22c / 138 / 80GP

හිරුගේ ලොවේදී - Dm (Orig Key: Em)

Select New Pitch:   Ab    A    Bb    B    C    C#    D    Eb    E    F    F#    G 


|Dm |- |- |-


|Dm| | | | | |C | |

hirugee loweedhii api wEn wumu

| | |Bb| | | |Gm | |

saNdhugee rzyeedhii yaLi hamu wEmu

|Am| |Dm | | | |

yaLi hamu wEmu



|Dm |- |F | - |

|C |- |Dm | - |


|D | | | | | |G ||C | | | |D | | |

szkeyee wELiilaa udheyee hawaa - rzkewal nzNgee ape wataa

|A | |G|A |D | | |

goLu wii muwaa wii imu


|D| | | | | |G| |C | | | |D | | |

aNdhuree wELiilaa Laye siithelee - sihinee udhaawuu lowee

|A | |G|A |D | | |

mumuNaa sinaasii imu

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